A drivable solar array to self charge your car (in beta)

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Drive it anywhere

Beta One is light enough to be carried on the roof rack of your EV, it weighs less than 165 lbs (75 kg). When expanded, it fits in a standard parking spot — and generates 100% clean and net-positive power from the sun.

20-to-40 miles

Using nine 175 watt solar panels, Beta One can add 6kWh to your EV per day, that’s about 20 miles (32 kilometers) with only five hours of sun. Plus, you can drive it anywhere — it can withstand bumps, water, snow, nature.

Easy to own

Beta One uses customized flexible solar panels without junction boxes, so the solar panels can be shipped flat. The assembly is composed of four sub-sections, so it is easy to assemble. With a target price of $4k USD, the payback period is quite short.


If every EV had a rooftop solar panel, it could significantly contribute to the energy needs of most countries. With a large battery bank, an EV is the ideal power bank for most catastrophic events. Gone are your doomsday worries. Perfect to glam-camp in the forest.

Drive it.

The Beta One can be carried on all EV rooftops — including Teslas. It is James Bond and John Wick ready. Legally, we can’t say who made those skid marks in the parking area.

Collapse it.

Don’t like the tone of the chirping birds, or the Eucalyptus tree next to you? Easily collapse your Beta One in under a minute and roam the earth.

Tan it.

Soak up the sun, keep your car and batteries cool, and charge up some 20-to-40 miles. The sun has never sparked so much joy.

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